Brave enough to change



Halfway between a training and a team building event, with a specially designed formula, the “New Induction 2023” involved 32 people, hired between 2022 and 2023, from CTA, Raccortubi and TLP, as well as various company speakers who provided their testimony in an authentic and personal way.

The dominant theme was that of the “lion”, with which we wanted to represent the strength and courage to change. In an evolving world, the company cannot stand still, and must count on people capable of dominating this change, and not undergoing it.

The group of participants engaged in creative activities, designed with the aim of integrating colleagues from different companies, and sharing their values and desires. By the admission of many, it was a surprise to be able to discover hidden sides of each one.

But the induction wasn’t just fun. Listening to the speeches of Group managers, such as Roberto Tavecchio, Francesca Poggio, Carlo Kielland, Andrea Picco, Andrea Zambianchi and others, was inspiring.

Francesca Poggio explained to us what circus arts are, which for her are an irreplaceable outlet from the frenzy of everyday life.

Andrea Zambianchi touched everybody with his professional story, told in a moving and passionate interview. For him “there is no such thing as a person, but only a team”.

And a team is the result of the union of those 32 boys and girls who, one by one, arrived in the lobby of the Relais Santo Stefano (Biella), early in the morning of Monday 27 November.

For those who were able to observe them in action, they were two special and happy days.

Not a small thing for this “newborn Group”: with the courage to change, great things can be achieved together.


Check out the event video here.

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